Progress Fall 2024

From time to time I intend to post progress on the many different projects I have. I tend to switch from one to the other when I’ve had enough of a certain setting for a while. Sometimes I want a break after a intense scene, sometimes I just need me some guns instead of swords for a bit.

As can be seen, my first two books are in the editing stage. It’s a process I’m struggling with, on the one hand because it’s a substantial investment and on the other, because I’m still looking for a line/copy editor that’s a good fit for me.

Tales of Vatan

A Path Less Traveled By (working title)38k45k
The Saga of Kára Ice-Eyes23k29k
The Half Elven Orphan (Alagariel I) complete, editing140k160k
The Value of Nobility (Alagariel II), complete, draft
<classified> (Alagariel III), complete, draft
<classified> (Alagariel IV), planned, partial draft
<classified> (Alagariel V), planned, should conclude the 1st series
<classified> (Alagariel VI-X?) ideas and partial plans for a second series
<classified> (Alagariel XI+?) and another, probably concluding series that I have a solid outline for
Total words for all Alagariel series up to now (inc Alagariel I):643k
The Death Witch (working title)1k8k

Total War

Dropship Down (Clausewitz I) complete, editing140k?161k
A Nuclear Hello (Clausewitz II) complete, draft
The Long War (Clausewitz III) complete, draft (working title)
Headway at last (Clausewitch IV) was complete, but in the middle of a partial rewrite (working title)
<classified> (Clausewitz V) partial
Total words for all Clausewitz books (inc vol I):672k
Unnamed prequel to Clausewitz series65k75k
Clausewitz Series II29k


This only includes things that I expect to turn into something publishable one day. I try not to include things for which I have no real idea how they’re going to be a worthwhile story.

Steampunk Portal Saga Thing (Yes, that’s my working title. I expect this to become a long series eventually.)0k36k
Alternate History Project20k

Sunset at 110k+ words!

Sunset, the life story of an important character that features in the Tales of Vatan: Alagariel series, passed through the hundred thousand word (100k) barrier this week. This really a chronological collection of stories that one character in the world experienced and it’s served as a way to give the world and recent history of Vatan more depth and colour.

I generally consider “full book” status to be achieved from about 125k words. At the moment, I feel there are at least  two large sections still to write, as there’s stll more than a hundred years to cover. So, it’s possible that Sunset will end up being a long one. I don’t anticipate two volumes, but you never know.

Belle de Serraient, on of Sunset’s many guises.