‘Space’ Dating Starts Today

Brussels, 2055.001.0000 (Fri 1 Jan). The ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) issued an official statement that the new dating system announced last year went into effect at one second past midnight this morning.

The new dating system has been adopted throughout the European Union and the PRC and USA have indicated they will also be adopting the new system. EU President Bonino stated, “The new dating system is less Earth-centric. Months are tied to times of year that are mainly valuable on Earth. It’s time to recognise that all of us – on whichever EU territory, on whichever planet are all in the same Union and we need a dating system that reflects that. Time of year isn’t useful in space, or on a planet that’s out of sync with Earth’s rotation.”

The system is also a simplification in many ways. It starts with the year, followed by the day number and then the hour and minute numbers. It can also be extended with seconds.

As an example: 11 O’clock in the morning on the 10th of May 2050. May covers days 120 to 151 (or 121 to 152 in a leap year). 2050 wasn’t a leap year so this date becomes 2050.130.1100 in the new system.

This is an in setting press release for Total War. It is not real.

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I'm a science fiction and fantasy author based in Europe.