Vatan is a fantasy world that hosts a series named ‘Alagariel’, which will be the first series I publish. It also has several other novels in the pipeline, mainly concentrating on the stories of other important characters that figure in the Alagariel series. Some of those characters are historical within the setting, so some of the supporting novels are set far (thousands of years) before the events in the Alagariel series.
I expect to publish the first standalone book in the Tales of Vatan setting, which will probably be Sunset between Alagariel II and III.
Vatan is a low-ish fantasy world. Magic is not commonplace, but it is known to exist by most and often reviled. Gods exist and they grant their faithful magic, but they are far more critical of what their blessings are used for than someone might be used to from a D&D setting.
The planet of Vatan is far larger than Earth. It’s equator is too hot for normal human habitation and the poles are too cold. Hence, it’s very difficult if not impossible to travel from northern to southern hemisphere. Within this setting’s paradigm, such travel would require a species that’s very resistant to heat, magic, or perhaps some sort of dwarven contraption.
The density of the world is assumed to be lower than Earth, so the gravity is the same. Because it’s far larger than Earth the area that’s climatologically suitable for habitation has about the same area as one planet Earth per hemisphere.
So far, (Nov 2024) all Tales of Vatan are centred on the continent of Taldyr and its immediate environs. Taldyr is a bit of a hybrid place with a look and feel varying from the early middle ages to some aspects of the renaissance. Magic, elves and dwarves mean that technological innovation isn’t pursued by humans. Much like our own world, where historical texts indicate that the first steam engine was invented in 20-30 BC or earlier, technological innovation in Taldyr does happen, but so far has not been widely adopted.
A person travelling in Taldyr can expect to see a sparsely populated world that is mainly agrarian, with powerful nobles wielding their authority from dark stone castles. Some places break this mould a little, like the capitcal of Iurrak which has a look and feel more like the Renaissance. Aqaba, a more southerly continent has more of a look and feel like the Arab world later in the first millennium on Earth.