Breaking News: USA Discovers another wormhole!

Washington DC, 2049.297.0338 (24 October). The United States State Department announced today that NASA, supported by the US Navy, has discovered and claimed yet another wormhole leading out of the Sol System.

NASA states adjoining system hosts several planets in the habitable zone. An unnamed senior US Navy source claimed that there were definitely planets that looked like they were habitable for humans, calling the system “prime real estate”. This is the fifth wormhole that the USA has discovered in the Solar System. An official stated the system on the far side of the wormhole has been named “Independence”. Reactions from the EU and the PRC are best described as lukewarm. Both entities released statements reiterating the need for a proper distribution of wormhole access among Earth’s major powers and called for the USA to relinquish control of the wormhole to the United Nations.

This is an in setting press release for Total War. It is not real.

Other Works

Besides the works I’ve already I do have a number of… what could loosely be termed short stories. I tend to think of them more as studies, ideas that I like, but which I don’t really see a route to a full book for. Perhaps some of these could become short stories at some point, I haven’t decided yet. Below is a list of a few of the other things I have.

  • A Star Wars Old Republic Era fan fiction. I’m a big fan of Star Wars, particularly Old Republic era and I like writing it, but obviously the kind of story I’d like to tell woul never be acceptable to disney. I don’t expect this one to ever see the light of day.
  • A story about witches, hidden among us throughout most of history, told from the perspective of a relationship an ancient witch has with a lover in the present day. This is one of those where I’m not sure how to make it a whole book.
  • Several tales about a number of different sorceresses, that are really more character studies. One of them is probably going to be integrated into The Last Empire setting, somehow.
  • An alternate history story that deviates from history around 1789 and is set towards the end of the 19th century. For this one making a whole book shouldn’t actually be hard. The difficult decision here is whether I want magic in the setting or not, which I can’t seem to decide on.

Patreon Page

I’ve started a patreon page at I will be offering the possibility to support my work in two tiers. There’s going to be a general support tier for people who simply want to support me. It will get the same access to bonus material as the higher tiers, but no free books. The higher tier is going to come with a free book every year. The page is currently under review, I’ll post here when I have everything set up the way I want it.


Welcome to the first post on this website.

This site will host material related to my novels, including news, excerpts, free material, any related artwork and extra content like maps and 3D models or renders. I may occasionally post a short story too, but since my stories tend to be long, that will probably be rare.

This is a new journey for me and I hope there are people who enjoy reading my work as much as I do writing it!

The first book that I will publish, Alagariel, Volume I, a part of the Tales of Vatan setting, will kick off with Chapters of the book posted on this website every Thursday evening, for 47 weeks, starting in the beginning of October. The book will of course be available on the customary websites as an e-book and eventually be available for order as a paperback in bookstores as well.

I will also make a patreon page on the off chance there are people who wish to support my work and of course patrons will have some unique perks.

For now, if you wish to keep informed on progress, please send me an e-mail at (without the “_NO_SPAM_” part, obviously.) I will get a newsletter tool set up soon.

I have partial plans for many more things. I use a database system to keep track of characters, events, locations, families, titles and more for my books and eventually I’d like to make at least part of that available to regular readers. I also have the basics for companion books for the Tales of Vatan and Total War settings, which would include explanations, more lore, descriptions of families, locations, ranks, titles and more. I’d like to offer those companion works as an extra hopefully with extra artwork.

The last thing I may eventually do is make an RPG system to go with the various settings. I used to play tabletop RPG’s regularly and I have the framework for a system, though it’s a lot of playtesting away from publication.

All of the stuff I’ve been writing for twenty-five plus years has always only been for my personal fulfillment so putting it out there is certainly going to be an interesting new chapter.