Influences: A.E. Van Vogt

In this case I’m mainly talking about the Null-A trilogy. This trilogy made the idea of General Semantics understandable, quite aside from being a wonderful read. A.E. Van Vogt has been criticised by reviewers, which seems to have marginalised to some extent. I’m not sure that those reviews were entirely fair, and in the balance of things I think he does belong among the great pioneers of Science Fiction among the ranks of Heinlein, Azimov and the other early greats.

At the very least, presenting General Semantics in an accessible way is a great achievement. I tried to read General Semantics by Korzybski itself, but it’s hell. I drowned in the introduction where Korzybski seems to take the time to explain why each an every person who ever sent him a letter disagreeing with his ideas is carefully counter argued. In any event, I don’t think a list of writers that influenced me could be complete without including the Null-A trilogy. I’ve read several of Van Vogt’s other books, but the Null-A series will always be the one that made the biggest impression on me.

Below is a link to the first book in the trilogy. Unfortunately the trilogy can be hard to find.

The World of Null-A

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I'm a science fiction and fantasy author based in Europe.