The Half Elven Orphan #14

Disclaimer: This is not the final version as it will be available from the usual e-book sellers and eventually, bookstores. Rather, it should be seen as an (almost) final draft. If you are interested in becoming a beta reader, or you have any comments, suggestions or thoughts that you feel I should consider before publishing please drop me a line using the contact form.

The Right to Bear Arms

She spent over a year polishing and cleaning the blade in between everything else that kept her busy. She took little extra jobs where she could get them to be able to buy or trade for the materials she wanted. Bernard would probably have given her whatever money she needed for it, but she didn’t want him to. She needed the right wood to make a good grip, and steel wire to wrap around it, which was expensive if you needed good quality. Copper and tin to attach a newly forged pommel. She also saved up money and traded rabbit skins to buy the best leather she could find to make a belt and scabbard. She reinforced the scabbard with pieces of flexible wood. With Bernard and Gerry’s help she made a fairly plain but functional grip and attached it to the pommel. It was a little difficult to do without Gerry noticing, but Ala’s gift gave her a fine control of the temperatures of the materials she worked with, making it easier to do the task well. The result earned heartfelt compliments from Gerry.

“It’s a good thing you’re not meanin’ to be a smith, girl. I’d have me some real competition.”

“Gerry, I’ve been working on this for over a year! I would starve if I were a smith!”

“Yeah. There is that. At that rate it’d be hard to make a livin’ I guess, though who knows when that’s the result eh? Canna argue with it, canna we? It’s mighty fine work, girl. Mighta taken me just as long.”

As she had worked with the blade, she had a strange sensation, almost as if she could feel inside the sword, a sensation of ageless depth and countless battles. It had taken her a moment to shake it off. She didn’t tell any one, she didn’t even know how to explain the feeling to Bernard. The scabbard she fashioned was plain and quite slender. It had been made with Ala’s customary patience and desire to master the craft. When it was complete it looked like a very well made slender sword in a good scabbard. There was nothing on the outside to give away what it was. Only the quillons indicated that it might have once been something special.

“Be best if you keep that scabbard lookin’ nice and plain on the outside,” Bernard had said when she’d suggested decorating it, “that sword would attract far too much interest if people guessed what it was.”

Anything that might make it look valuable was best avoided, he said. In the meantime she kept diligently training weapons as many hours a day as she could. She was very focused on swordsmanship but Bernard insisted she spent time on archery, riding and spears and halberds as well. Very rarely, he praised her improvement. She practised several hours a day by herself or with Bernard as well as with other members of the militia when she could talk them into it or they were called up to practice. She still regularly visited the horse breeders too, as it was her main source of income. Her room and board were at Bernard’s house was free, but she did need some coin for things every now and again.

She was a popular exercise rider, her ability to calm unruly breeding stallions had made the breeders welcome her and trust her with their valuable steeds. When a horse was being particularly difficult someone from the horse farm would always come to find her. Thetwick’s reputation as a place to buy warhorses had continued to grow and she was able to get more work than ever before. Horse rearing had become the most important source of external income for the Westmarch. Despite her services being in high demand she always gave weapons practice and militia duty precedence, even though neither provided an income. She just felt comfortable with a weapon in her hand.

Ala’s skill with temperamental horses allowed her to ride some of the most energetic stallions bareback around the countryside. She didn’t see it as a special skill, she’d just discovered that horses responded very well when you spoke to them in elven. Being able to speak elven, even if it was only to horses, felt nice. The horse breeders found they could entrust their most promising mounts to Ala for exercise and even more and more of the training. She was seldom without a powerful warhorse to ride around on. It made some of the young men in the village very envious. Luckily the breeders she rode for didn’t mind her keeping a horse at Bernard’s over night, which made it easy for her to get around and kept her safe from the adolescents who didn’t think she ought to have the privilege of riding around on a horse worth substantially more than most houses in Thetwick.

She did go out on foot to the market sometimes and she had come to dread it. There was a group, usually led by Jed or Bruce, who delighted in tormenting her if they could catch her alone. Sometimes it had resulted in an altercation she had to run away from. Once, eight of them had accosted her, all bigger and stronger than her. They started off making lewd suggestions and grabbing hold of her, one of them started pulling up her dress. She had no doubt what they had in mind. She kicked one in the crotch and raked her nails across another’s face to get away. She had to drop her basket of groceries, aiming it in front of one of her pursuers legs to trip him and tore and lost her cloak to the laughing boys. It left her with a nasty bloody nose and a blow to her temple that she was sure would become a black eye. She’d been seconds away from using her fire to defend herself, which she knew could have had even more dire consequences. She ran as hard as she could all the way to Bernard’s house. He saw her come in, bloody, out of breath and crying.

“Ala! What happened to you? Are you alright?”

In between sobs, she answered him… “it’s… nothing… just… fell…”

“No you didn’t, did you? It’s those town boys again isn’t it? Which ones?”

“Please… just leave it… it’ll only set me further apart.”

Bernard frowned, “I think we’re past that Ala. I won’t have this happening again. It’ll only get worse.”

Ala looked down. She was worried he might be right.

“From now on, Ala, you’re not going out unarmed, understood? Don’t kill anyone unless you absolutely must to get away, but if anyone leaves a meeting bleeding, I insist it isn’t you, from now on. Do you hear me?”

Ala was silent. She could see he meant it. She nodded, not entirely sure what to think of it. In Thetwick, the right to bear arms was a big deal. Bernard was within his rights to assign it to anyone he saw fit and even just the idea of it immediately made her feel safer, but the people of Thetwick would look at her differently. In a way it delighted her, but it also set her even further apart from the others in the village who at least had the appearance of being the same age. Weapons were something only permitted to soldiers and nobles.

In fact it was such a sign of status that she knew that even noblewomen always included a weapon in what they wore. It was usually only a small dagger, but it weapons were so connected to the idea of nobility that a noble wearing something without any sort of weapon was unthinkable, no matter how ornate the outfit. Being armed was a sign of nobility across Iurrak, Selinus and maybe even further away.

Bernard had been dead serious. From then on, she was never without her sword. She used one of Bernard’s lesser blades for militia practice, he insisted on her own sword remaining hidden. But, she was always armed and when she went out she did always wear her own sword when she went out to do something where only a dire emergency would justify drawing it.

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The Half Elven Orphan #13

Disclaimer: This is not the final version as it will be available from the usual e-book sellers and eventually, bookstores. Rather, it should be seen as an (almost) final draft. If you are interested in becoming a beta reader, or you have any comments, suggestions or thoughts that you feel I should consider before publishing please drop me a line using the contact form.

The Bull of Thetwick

The sword had made her even more curious about her heritage. Even though it was dead in the middle of winter, Ala went to see ‘The Bull’s’ descendants at their farm. She waited for a break in the weather and took one of the young destriers for an exercise ride. The horse breeder where she went to get the horse was a little surprised but seemed to be confident in her abilities as a rider that his valuable horse would be fine. It was still deathly cold, with snow on the ground, but the skies were only partly cloudy and the sun was out.

The people of Thetwick referred to the farm she intended to visit as The Bullstead. Ala was certain it must be because of the family’s famous scion. It was a very large farm building by Thetwick’s standards. It was of the customary design, a single building occupied by the family at one end and the livestock at the other. The building was a rectangle of low stone walls covered by a great thatched and hipped roof. Considering that it had to be at least a century old, the stone walls attested to the Bull’s standing and wealth when it was built. Even the enclosure surrounding the building was a low, well built stone wall. Almost nothing had been built out of stone a hundred years ago, though the ruins she liked to visit in the woods were far older and had once been keep made of stone too.

As she approached, she saw smoke billowing from the hole in the roof. The mistress of the house was outside, a middle aged woman and wearing a simple though think kirtle over her chemise, with a hide cloak with a fur lined hood and a linen headscarf. Her breath causing white clouds to form as she fed chickens. Ala knew her by face, she came into town sometimes on market days to trade. The woman came to see what Ala wanted as she slid off the big horse’s bare back.

“Well met there, girl. Hell of a weather to be out ridin’ in. Yer from the town, ain’t ya? I think I seen ya ridin’ around on them big horses.”

“Well met, mistress. I live in town, I do the Captain’s housekeeping.”

“Right, right. You’re that half-elf, aren’t ya?”

She said it as if it were a mysterious profession, like a priest of a dubious god.

“Yes mistress, that’s right… they call me Ala…”

“So whaddya want with us?”

“I was wondering whether I might ask you a question, mistress, about one of your ancestors? William the Bull?”

The woman eyed Ala, apparently trying to decide whether she ought to be suspicious. After a moment her look softened a little.

“The Bull? He was me husband’s great granda. He’s long, long dead girl. Way back when… must be nigh on a century now. Was a good man though, I’ve heard. Proud man and a good fighter. The Duke’s man through and through.”

“Mistress, they say that he was with the patrol who found me and brought me to the village when I was small. When I came to Thetwick… you know. Do you know anything about that? Maybe stories that you’ve told your children?”

“Really.. you’ve been here that long?” She looked shocked. “But… you’re just a child…”

“Half elves age more slowly than humans, mistress.”

“That’s unnatural!”

Ala quickly tried to calm the woman down,

“It’s not, mistress, truly, I’m a half elf… we live… and grow a lot slower than humans… it’s nothing special… just takes longer.”

The woman appeared to consider this, her scowl softening again before she continued.

“I dunno, girl. I guess I’ll take yer word fer it. Ya seem normal enough.”

“Do you know anything else at all about William the Bull? I’m trying to find out where I came from.”

The woman clearly considered for a moment whether to continue the conversation.

“I s’pose there’s no harm in talkin’ to ya. It’s possible I guess that he was the one who found you then, if ya grow so slow. I know he rode with the Duke’s army. Famous soldier in the Regiment. That’s also how he died… servin’ the Duke. Guess that sort of explains how you wound up in Thetwick, I s’pose?”

“The lady who adopted me, Palady. She was married to William’s half brother, Jack.”

“It’s an awful long time ago lass, I really know nothin’ of the Bull’s family.”

“Palady said I may have been found somewhere near Seraphim keep?”

“Never been there. Don’t know it.”

“Please mistress, if there’s anything else you know… I’m… I’m trying to find out if I might have any family, or anything at all about myself… I know nothing of my heritage.”

“T’ is the first I’ve heard of it, lass. Suppose I understand wantin’ to know where ya hail from, but sorry, lass, don’t know anythin’ that might help ya.” She turned to her husband, who had come to see what was going on, “what about you, da? Know anythin’ about the Bull that might help her?”

Her husband was a thickset man with a bushy brown beard. He looked like he might be in his mid forties. He’d been silently listening in, he just shook his head and made a sound that might have been a grunt.

Ala tried not to let her disappointment show too much.

“Thank you, ma’am, master. Sorry to have bothered you.”

“Take care girl, hope ya find what yer lookin’ fer, not knowin’ who my kin were wouldn’t sit well with me either,” the woman said. “Though maybe wait for better weather ‘fore ya go ridin’ again.”

The man just grunted again as he nodded his head.

Ala hadn’t really believed William the Bull’s descendants would know anything, but she was still disappointed. Somewhere she had had a hope that the whole story would come gushing out. No one knew anything at all, it seemed. Her only hope was the magnificent sword. She would have to travel, one day, she decided. Surely there were elves or half-elves somewhere who could tell her more?

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Christmas Excerpt Dropship Down

Chenkov Family Home
Berlin, Earth
2093.357 (Wednesday 23 Dec)

The only memorable event during the time at the administrative school near Magdeburg was joining Igor to visit his family in Berlin for Christmas. Laura had never experienced the holiday in the way the the Chenkovs celebrated it. Christmas had been a special occasion she was very young but it had never been an event the way it was for the Chenkov family. She remembered her mother had taken her ice skating one year when she was still doing alright, as well as some small gifts and a tiny fake tree with lights that changed colour.

The Chenkov Christmas experience was an eye opener. They arrived two days before Christmas. When they arrived, both Igor’s parents were waiting for them. His mother wore glasses, a long plaid skirt and knitted cardigan that fit very well with Laura’s idea of a typical female professor. His father was the same, with corduroy pants, a chequered shirt and a sleeveless vest as well as a small, slightly unkempt beard. Both were genuinely pleased to meet her. Igor had told her that both mother and father were academics, professors nearing the ends of their careers. They intended to move to Europa upon retirement.

Igor’s mother had already noticed her at HPBT graduation where they had exchanged polite nods. Igor had told his parents a lot about Laura and his mother, Ludmilla, clearly had high hopes for the relationship. She almost felt bad that she wasn’t romantically interested in Igor, it was such a warm and pleasant environment. Of course, she wasn’t really romantically interested in anyone and while she really liked Igor and wouldn’t have minded sleeping with him, she got the impression that he probably wouldn’t be able to adjust to that very well. She’d decided they were better off with a platonic friendship.

Igor’s family was well off and the way they lived was something Laura had never seen up close before. The house had a large tree, so big it seemed to reach almost to the apartment’s high ceilings. It was a real one decorated with lights and there were Christmas decorations, so many of them that it must have taken Igor’s mother weeks to prepare them. Igor’s parental home was in a large three storey building in the customary German urban style. It was a building with large rooms and high, decorated ceilings comprising six large apartments and a large garden surrounding all of it. It had high tall windows that let in a lot of light. Igor and his older brother, who now lived on the planet Europa with his family had each had their own rooms growing up. Igor’s brother’s room now functioned as a guest room for her. It was a warm, loving environment and there didn’t appear to be any significant family tragedies anywhere in sight. There were no jealous ex lovers or stoned acquaintances. It was all very… comfortable.

A completely irresponsible amount of food and drink was available with each meal melding seamlessly into the next. Igor had told her that his family were all atheists but it obviously hadn’t stopped them embracing Christmas when they moved to the EU. Igor, who had apparently made an exhaustive analysis explained that the way they celebrated it was a mix of many different cultures. From Russia his parents had brought traditions normally observed during the Russian Orthodox Easter. The CHenkovs had mixed in German customs and American commercialism and British roasts and mince pies. To Laura is seemed to be a case of ‘and’ rather than ‘or’, with each assimilated tradition contributing both to the amount of decorations and the volume of food. It was quite an expansive event.

“Is this how you normally celebrate?”

“Huh? Yeah. Of course. Used to be more family when I was younger. Lots of people are off world so it’s a small group these days really.”

When Christmas day finally came nd there were fifteen people there. It seemed awfully busy to Laura and she already felt like she didn’t need to eat for a month.

“So it’s always this big of an event?”

“I’m not that into it really Laura. I usually just come here and fill the time eating and drinking until I can go back to doing something useful. It’s always such an overload.”

With her family, she’d never really had enough Christmas to consider the possibility of a festive overload.

“Hmm. I guess… it could be a bit much. Especially the food.”

It definitely beat sitting alone at a deserted army base though. Igor had been right about that.

“My mother always gets really stressed making sure everything is in order. I can never really tell whether she likes it or just thinks it’s the way you’re expected to do it. She can be a little traditional.”

“Traditional? I see… what’s that Disney Rudolf the Reindeer? What about that? Is that like a Russian Orthodox icon or something?”

“I’ll concede that she seems undecided on which tradition is important, but you know what I mean.”

She’d never really realised how segregated people from places like La Tribune had become. The poverty really did affect everything. In La Tribune any gathering of this size had a good chance of becoming a drug or violence infested horror show.

Igor had had to twist her arm to make her come, but in a rare moment of social insight, he had realised that she would be quite alone in a deserted barracks at Christmas if he didn’t take action. He hadn’t taken no for an answer.

“You’re not staying here alone Laura. This place will be deserted and depressing. I’m not having that on my conscience!”

“Look I’ll be fine. I’m sure I’ll find something to keep me occupied.”

“Look, I don’t want to have to talk exclusively to my parents for that long. They keep acting like I’m a bit of an idiot for getting conscripted.”

“What can I say, maybe they have a point?”

“Har, har. Very funny. Don’t try and change the subject!”

“Look, I’ll be fine here.”

“You stubborn idiot! You’re coming and that’s the end of it! Pack your bag or I’ll do it! I’ll drag you along by your hair if I have to.”

It had been an uncharacteristic outburst, such and unexpected thing for Igor to do that she’d agreed to come.

An empty military base is a bleak place at Christmas time, even if you don’t care for the holiday at all. Everything is deserted, most facilities are closed or running at minimal capacity and anyone who has duty is annoyed that they have to be there at all. Igor was right, she just felt really awkward about being at Igor’s home for a vacation.

Laura had never realised that such a thing as a functional family actually existed outside of fiction. It gave her something to think about, an option she had never considered before. She had even gone out into Berlin with Igor to get everyone presents. The shopping areas were insanely busy, but they managed to get everyone something vaguely festive. It was all an unfamiliar ritual to her, but she realised she should be very grateful to Igor for having taken her along. Even if some of it was awkward.

Rank Insiginia of the EUAF

Sometimes I have a moment when I simply must know how something in my setting is organised. One day that resulted in images of all the rank insignia of the EUAF.

It starts with the the two Field Marshall equivalent ranks (not in common use), the the officer ranks from high to low. Next, the warrant officers and lastly all the NCO and enlisted ranks.

I’ve also added this as a permanent page on the site that’s part of the Total War Companion.

The Half Elven Orphan #12

Disclaimer: This is not the final version as it will be available from the usual e-book sellers and eventually, bookstores. Rather, it should be seen as an (almost) final draft. If you are interested in becoming a beta reader, or you have any comments, suggestions or thoughts that you feel I should consider before publishing please drop me a line using the contact form.

Aubree’s Gift

With housekeeping for Bernard and for Aubree, militia practice, helping on the horse farms and the extra hour or two of weapons training Bernard gave her and a few other promising militia members at his house almost every day, she was suddenly very busy. She had little time left over to wander around the woods except at night, when she could steal a few hours that humans needed to sleep. Still, she was enjoying it and things could have gone on like that for a long time as far as she was concerned. She was learning new things and in with the militia’s riders she slowly won respect from the others for her skill, dedication and drive.

Just two years later, during the winter, Aubree died from a lung infection. It was tragic and it hurt Ala deeply, evoking a grief she hadn’t felt since Palady passed away. Aubree died much younger than Palady, who had lived an uncommonly long life. It made the pain even more acute as it was that much more unexpected. Aubree and Bernard had found love together over that last two years of her life. Ala was thankful for that, they’d been happy together, even if had just been for a little while. Just before she died, Aubree called Alagariel to her and whispered to her as well as her rasping lungs allowed.

“Ala…. Go to the attic…” Aubree managed to whisper, “look for a long bundle of dark cloth. You’ll find it’s behind… that old loom, you… know… the one…”

Ala soon found what Aubree had described and was at her side again a few minutes later.

“Yes… that’s it.”

“I’ve found it, please don’t try to talk to much!” Ala put her hand on Aubree’s soldier willing her to stop talking as it was causing her such distress. She wasn’t having it though.

“That… found by.. the Bull… on your attackers…”

“This is from before I came to Thetwick?” Ala was shocked. She’d had no idea any artefacts had come with her when she was brought to the town.

Aubree nodded, out of breath again.

“There’s… a note…”

Als inspected the bundle. It was more a roll of cloth, tied shut with hemp string. Between one of the outer folds, a note was tucked into it. The note was fragile, but Ala recognised Palady’s poor handwriting. She’d barely been able to write, Ala knew.

“Here it is. Should I read it out?”

Aubree nodded in agreement, rather than speaking again.

“Alright, here goes,

Dear Ala,

I’m not sure when we should give this to you, but I have given it thought and decided it should not be before you are old enough. I don’t have much experience of your kind, so I don’t know when that might be, but it may be well after my time has past. I don’t know much about this sword and blanket except that they were with the few things I received when the soldiers brought you.

The Bull meant for you to have it, entrusting it to my husband, Jack. Jack told me that the Bull said that it was yours by right. I don’t know if he meant it as plunder, some sort of compensation for how you and yours were wronged. Rightly, I don’t know that it truly has anything to do with you or your kin. Still, the Bull had a reason to bid me give it to you. Should you ever want to find out who you are and where you come from, I hope that maybe it will help somehow. The only other thing that might help is that there is a family living in Thetwick that might have more information. The descendants of William ‘The Bull’ of Thetwick, might know something more. The Bull was with the patrol that found you. He’s long gone of course, killed far away in the Duke’s service, but it can’t hurt to ask his kin. The farm’s to the east of the town, I’m certain you know the place. I’m sorry dear Ala, that really is all I have to tell you about yourself.

I hope with all my heart that you are able to find love and happiness somewhere in your incredibly long life.

I am so happy that I took you in, dear Ala.

Love always, Palady.

there’s more,” Ala said, “there’s some more lines scribbled at the bottom. It looks like they were added later,

I’ve asked Aubree to pass these things to you, as I’ve come to understand you will only come of age long after I am gone. Love, P.

Ala sat for a while, with her hands holding Aubree’s. Both of them cried together for a while, before Aubree gestured that she should look inside the bundle. She unrolled the rough cloth, revealing a long, thin, irregular, blackened object. It was the sword Palady had described, or what was left of it. It had been long and slender and straight once, but it had been in a searing hot fire or the like, probably while still in its scabbard, which was still caked around it in irregular pieces of what appeared to be charred leather. Most of the blade was obscured by the caked on residue. The sword’s pommel was melted, hand grip burnt and malformed, and the cross guard was damaged though it was still serviceable. It was wrapped again in the ‘blanket’ Palady had mention, with was also damaged in the same way. It was, upon closer inspection, the remains of a cloak that had once been of incredibly fine quality, with intricate designs worked into the stitching and backed with what she thought must be silk.

Just a few hours later, Aubree died with Bernard and Ala beside her. Ala was heart broken. She couldn’t really seem to stop crying. She wouldn’t have know what to do if Bernard’s solid presence hadn’t been there to ground her. Bernard was also distraught, though his means of coping was to focus his grief on looking after Ala.

Ala spent the rest of the day as if in a trance. The morning found her sitting at the kitchen table, where she’d been since she’d come back before sunrise from wandering aimlessly through the forest all night. Bernard appeared not long after dawn, looking rather the worse for wear too.

“Mornin’ Ala,” he said, “sleep any?”

She shook her head.

“Wandered around the forest a bit…”

He frowned. He knew she was in the habit of going out at night, though he wasn’t aware of how often and how long she was usually gone. He didn’t really disapprove of it, but it did worry him.

“Suppose that could clear the head a little.”

“Maybe a little. I miss her so much already.”

“Me too, Ala.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Same as always, I expect. What the living always do, when a dear one passes. We go on and remember them.”

She nodded. She’d come to the same conclusion when Palady passed away and even before that when Emma had been abducted.

“I’ll figure something out.”

“Best if you move in here. I still need a housekeeper, no point in keeping on Aubree’s house. Aside from the backwards laws that mean I’d have to rent it for you. Unless you really want me too, then I will, of course.”

She’d never expected to be able to hold on to Aubree’s house, just as she hadn’t been able to live in Palady’s after the woman passed. There was no real sense in it and it wouldn’t feel right to make Bernard pay for it.

“It all… seems so inconsequential… without her.”

“Aye. I feel the same way. Probably will do for a time. It’s what we do though. We take a few days of mourning and say our goodbyes. Then we bury her near her husband and Palady.”

“That doesn’t bother you?”

“Nah. She told me she loved that man, too. It’s only right that she be lay down near him. Though, I suppose I’d like to be near too when I go in the ground.”

“Oh Bernard, please, let’s not think of that now.”

“Sorry. I understand. Just makes a man think a little.”

“I know. It’s different for me, I guess.” No human currently alive in Thetwick was likely to survive as long as she would, barring misadventure.

“I suppose it is. Look, we have some work to do, getting the burial in order, but perhaps we ought to start with some food. I’m told the living need some of that, now and again. It’ll take out mind of things a bit, eh?”

Ala nodded. He was right of course, so she rose and went to the hearth, putting some logs on the fire that she instantly set ablaze. It was still not something she often did while Bernard was watching.

“Still incredible, that,” he mumbled, seemingly to himself.

It took her a moment to realise he was talking about her calling the fire. She just shrugged. Even that seemed mundane today.

The next day she moved the bundle and her few belongings into the attic at Bernard’s house. The last months she’d mostly had her and Aubree’s house to herself, as Aubree had been spending most of her time at Bernard’s. She came into Bernard’s home, with her things still distraught. Bernard got up to pour her a cup of tea, something that was normally her job. On the way back he put some more logs on the fire which was so low that it was near to going out, as if the flames themselves had decided to leave a world without Aubree in it. At that moment she didn’t care that he saw she could make the fire grow from across the room and caused them to ignite and burst instantly into flames. He stared at the fire for a few seconds again before shaking it off, glancing at her as if he was judging the distance at which she had done it.

“You don’t even have to be close?”

She shook her head. She saw he now noticed the bundle too, but didn’t ask. Ala saw him looking. She tried to explain where it had come from, through the sobbing and found that the distraction helped. She eventually just passed him the scrap of parchment with Palady’s note.

“Can I have a look?” He asked her as he passed the note back. She nodded.

“It’s a sword blade, that’s obvious enough. Can’t see much of it between the damage and owing to that it’s still in its scabbard. Almost like it was in a fire. Odd fire that does things quite like that though. But then, there’s many kinds, eh? You might know a bit more about that.”

Ala was drawn to it, though she didn’t know what to say. Bernard continued.

“Looks like… it’s a sort of black crust? Strange, I don’t know how that might form. Looks like it was once a very ornate weapon. Let’s have a proper look at it tomorrow with some daylight eh?”

She packed the blade away in her large chest in the attic and put it out of her mind. There were things to organise for Aubree’s funeral.

Aubree’s house had been rented from one of the richer families in the village, the same one that had rented out Palady’s house too. She and Aubree really hadn’t had very much. Some of the more valuable items had been sold to pay for her funeral, though Bernard told her not to worry about it. It was something Ala wanted to to for Aubree. She’d always been proud that she and Ala had managed to get by without any charity after her husband’s passing. There was even a little money left, which had been left to Ala. The Constable had tried to have it deposited in the village’s coffers on the basis that she wasn’t a person and therefore you couldn’t leave money to her any more than you could to a sheep or a cow. Bernard had stepped in and broke the man’s nose for that. There were no more objections after that incident. She got the money. It wasn’t much, but it was enough that it might get you through a winter in a pinch.

They buried Aubree the following day, with much of the village in attendance. The priestesses of Ceres conducted the ceremony and Bernard spoke a few words. Bernard asked Ala beforehand if she wished to speak but she declined. Aubree’s relationship with Ala had always been a personal one and she really didn’t know what to say to the villagers about her, so she left it to Bernard. What would she have spoke about? What it was like when Aubree had been born or what she’d been like as a little girl?It would have been awkward for everyone. After the funeral and the clearing out of the last things in Aubree’s house, she and Bernard sat down for a cup of tea, both feeling numb.

“Well, there we are Ala. Time to go on.”

She nodded, unable to summon any enthusiasm.

“Why don’t you bring that sword of yours down? Now’s as good a time as any to look at it a little more closely.”

It was better than sitting there wallowing, she decided to she fetched the bundle and unrolled it. Bernard looked it over once more.

“Ala, we’re going to have to break what’s left of the scabbard off of it. With this much heat I think the steel’s properties are probably damaged, but we won’t know for sure until we free the blade.”

“Will that damage it more, do you think?”

“I’ll be honest. I know a sword is exciting Ala, especially for someone as passionate about swordplay as you.”

She had to admit that even after the days events she felt intrigued by the weapon. Bernard continued.

“I’m afraid this one’s tempering will be all gone, it’s seen too much heat and will have cooled slowly and unevenly. Also, it was a fine, delicate blade. A master sword smith might be able to restore the temper without causing it to warp, but even that is unlikely with such a fine, delicate steel. Even then it would never be as good as when it was forged.”

“There is really no way it might be repaired?” She asked, feeling deflated again.

“Perhaps there is an elven smith somewhere that might manage it, they’re said to use magic in their forging. Or perhaps some of the great dwarven smiths. Maybe, your gift with fire might even make such thing possible though you’d have to know exactly what you were doing. With some luck, we’ll be able to have a new sword forged from the steel though. Nothing we do to it now is likely to make its condition any worse, I don’t think.”

“It doesn’t look much good to anyone the way it is. But it might be able to tell me something about where I am from or who my parents are? Smiths all have a maker’s mark don’t they?”

“Yes, any worth their salt do. He will probably be long dead though… unless he was elven or half elven I suppose. But, let’s go see Gerry in the morning after practice, he’ll let us use his smithy, I’m sure. If we clean it up, who knows, we may learn something about this sword… maybe even about you.”

They had become regular callers at the smith’s workshop because of the militia. Bernard was a fair hand with all sorts of weapons repair himself, and even had some experience forging things like arrow heads and simple repairs. He wasn’t a smith, but he had spent his share of hours in a forge. The Thetwick smith, a man named Gerry Kettle had been having to re-learn the art of forging weapons since the militia was seeing regular training. His business had flourished since Bernard had arrived to reinvigorate the militia with the Duke’s money. Gerry’s smithy had been expanded in stone to be able to cope with the extra work and he had even taken on an extra apprentice. The arms Gerry made were passable, though not of the same quality as the weapons Bernard had brought to Thetwick when he came. Ala was always allowed to use one of Bernard’s lighter spare blades when she practised, though she’d often practised with other weapons that were made by Gerry too. Bernard was of the firm opinion that you should be able to familiarise yourself quickly with any weapon.

“Gerry, you mind if we mess around in the back for a bit?” Called Bernard.

“Go ahead, careful though, there’s a few horseshoes just out, cooling.”

They went into the back of the workshop and she used a chisel and a hammer to work the scabbard free as carefully as possible. Ala did the work herself, Bernard had long since determined her patience with such tasks was legendary, far more than his. Bernard had time to exchange gossip with Gerry while she worked. As the residue and remains of the scabbard came free, the blade was revealed to be long, straight and elegant. It was much like any other light one handed sword, though she saw that the grip had been long enough to just about accommodate a second hand if you needed to. Its lines were delicate and the blade was very light, reminiscent of, but not quite, a rapier without the basket hilt. The blade itself was covered in a black crust, presumably of whatever material had been on the inside of the scabbard. Bernard came back in when she had the blade free of all the larger chunks.

He bent over the blade, peering at it, nodding approvingly to himself, “that was an expensive scabbard too, you don’t generally have material on the inside and this looks to have been lined with something exotic. I have no idea what manner of creature these leathers might have come from. Now, to know if it’s damaged we’d have to check the tempering.”

Ala nodded as Bernard continued.

“You should understand that such a test could break the blade, if it’s heat damaged, which it almost certainly is… though it’s awfully straight for something that’s been in a intense fire. But there’s not really another way to tell other than trying it.”

Gerry had come to take a look too.

“Ya know, if you clean it and polish it, you should be able to see where the heat has affected it. Might need etching before you really see it, but it’s worth tryin’ I’d say. Very unlikely that we can fix it though. Restoring a temper on a blade as delicate as that would take smiths like the Ulfberhts to achieve, I’d bet. Out of my league, I’m sorry to say.”

Ala was mesmerised by the blade, “I really want to find out as much as possible about it. Maybe there’s markings on the blade? Should I take it home and clean and polish it before we do something that might damage any inscriptions? I can see that there’s some decorations here… everywhere I look really. I’ll take the pieces of the scabbard too, I’ll clean it all off at home, see if I can find anything out. I want to find out as much as possible about it.”

“Alright, little lass. We’ll take it home. There’s no rush. You’re right, we should take our time, learn what we can.”

Gerry looked it over again, as they left.

“That was a mighty fine design once. Would’ve been light enough for you too Ala. Damn shame it’s ruined, damn shame.”

Ala spent a long time carefully cleaning and polishing the blade. She used the very gentlest of abrasives, eventually asking the man who passed as the town’s jeweller what he used for polishing gold. From under the crust of black a hypnotic pattern appeared. It was only visible if you tilted the blade just so. It was a swirling pattern of light and dark lines, kind of like tree branches. Other than that, there were no marks whatsoever on the blade, no maker’s mark, nothing. Days later, when it was fully clean, finally completely polished to a mirror finish she took it in to show to Bernard.

“That looks quite good actually. No heat discolouration anywhere. Amazing really. Beautifully polished too, Ala. I suppose there’s something to be said for taking one’s time to do it right.”

“There’s a sort of pattern, when you tilt it, like this, can you see? Does that mean it’s… broken?”

Bernard’s eyes went wide.

“Oh Wotan, girl. I think… it must be… but… May I?” She gave him the blade.

She had the sensation of a crackle as he touched it, but when she blinked she saw nothing.

“Ooh… static, I think. Like a little shock. Strange. It’s not even particularly dry out,” he said, a look of puzzlement on Bernard’s face.

He bent the blade with his huge hands. His face went red with the exertion. It went to right angles and sprang straight again when he released it.

“That fire doesn’t seem to have done the tempering any harm whatsoever. Incredible. Not a trace of damage. This pattern in the steel… it’s the same over the entire length. Never seen anything like it. Remarkably tough for such a thin blade too. Hmm, that’s funny, I’m bleeding.

“He inspected the cut while Ala got some things to bandage it.

“That’s quite deep actually.” Ala looked at the sword.

“Look over here. This must have been where you cut yourself.”

She touched it where the drop of blood was visible. It didn’t feel all that sharp to her. She grabbed the rough material that blade had been rolled up in, intending to quench Bernard’s bleeding. In the process she wanted to move it from the far side of the blade towards his hand. As she moved the piece of cloth, one end of it was dragged along the blade and it was cut clean through. She gingerly felt the spot that had cut the cloth, but again, it didn’t feel all that sharp to her. It was puzzling. Bernard was looking at her with a thoughtful, suspicious look. She decided that seeing to Bernard’s wound had priority over investigating the blade’s curious properties. Bernard took the cloth from her wrapping them around his hands a great many times as protection and he repeated the bend. With absolutely all his strength he curled the blade round until the tip touched what was left of the pommel. It went completely straight again when he released it. Ala looked at the rags he had used. He had been lucky, the many layers of cloth he had had between the blade and his hands had almost all been severed by the sword’s cutting edge, almost cutting him again. When she felt the blade where he had held it, it still felt quite blunt to her. A few more experiments made it even more puzzling. No matter how gently she ran a piece of cloth along the edge of the blade, it cut it cleanly in two, but whenever she felt the blades edge with her fingers it felt quite blunt. She could even run her fingers along the cutting edge with some pressure without it cutting her. She showed Bernard her discovery. He repeated the test with a bit of string. It too cut clean through. However when he touched the spot where she had determined it was blunt he immediately cut the tip of his index finger again. She again felt the same spot. Once more, it felt quite blunt to her and she didn’t even cut herself when she pushed her fingertips on it quite forcefully. Bernard studied her experiments while he ws waiting for his finger to stop bleeding.

“You know Ala, you’re slowly becoming more and more of a mystery. I think… no… I’m certain… this sword is an elf blade.”

“An elf blade? What does that mean?”

“It’s a weapon warriors across Taldyr whisper and tell stories about, mythical qualities are ascribed to them. I’ve never even seen a real one before. It couldn’t be anything else, not with these characteristics. See the pattern in the blade? It’s called a dendritic pattern, like the branches of a tree, see?”

Ala looked carefully at the pattern. It was indeed like intertwined tree branches.

“There’s several ways to achieve a dendritic effect,” continued Bernard. “Most smiths do it by twisting multiple kinds of steel and iron together before they forge a blade out. If you’re very meticulous about how you do it, you can make striking patterns and excellent blades that way too.”

“Are those just a coveted?”

“No. Apparently elf blades are better in almost every way. It’s said that the process employed to make them is completely different. I knew a man who said that it had something to do with using a specific type of ore and then cooling the blade according to a highly specific technique. If the smith knows exactly what he’s doing, apparently some sort of crystalline structure forms, making these weapons sharper, harder and more flexible than any other blades, even dwarven ones. On top of that, the elves add magic.”

“This is a magical blade?”

“I imagine so, though I have no idea how that might manifest itself… other than that it doesn’t cut you, that is. Oh and it’s razor sharp for everyone else of course… after what? A century? More?”

“About that, yes. Do all elves have swords like this?”

“Not the ones I have met anyway. My friend doubted that the technique was still practised anywhere. Most of these swords, at least all the ones that he had heard of, are said to be thousands of years old and are reputed to be unbreakable. They are all in the hands of ancient elven warriors, nobles and kings. He had good cause to know a lot about elven blades, so I have no reason to doubt him. What I just did with it, coil it in a circle?”

Ala just nodded, she was two awed to speak now.

“It’s one of the tests of an elf blade that he told me about. He thought it was nonsense. You can’t do that with a normal steel blade, even the very best ones, thought they say an Ulfberht sword goes nearly as far.”

“Have you tried it with yours?”

“I’ve never really had the heart to try. But this fact that it doesn’t cut you? I don’t know about that. Never heard of anything like that. Maybe it’s because of your elven heritage? Maybe it even has something to do with this blade actually being your family’s? It would have to be at least a bit magical for that. I don’t know much about those kinds of things.”

“It is awfully mysterious.”

“Just like you, then. Most importantly though, do not let anyone know you have that. It’s incredibly valuable. Bad people would be round looking for it hoping to make some quick gold. We’ll clean it up, see if we can’t fashion a new pommel and grip for it. You can learn to use it properly. You’re going to need to if we don’t want anyone taking it away from you.”

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High Water Defence System Completed

Dublin, 2059.181.1700 (Thu 17 Oct). Today the official opening ceremony for the Thunberg High Water Defence system was held at the Arrhenius control center in Béal an Mhuirthead in County Mayo, Ireland. This marks the final part of thirty years of work constructing the system.

The Thunberg High Water Defence System (THiWaDeS) is a comprehensive system that includes measures to protect everything from northern Norway to Gibraltar against high water levels. The system is designed to protect Europe from climate change related flooding.

Prof. Dr. Greta Thunberg (56) cut the ceremonial ribbon. “This incredible system is the greatest monument to failure that humanity has ever constructed. If our so-called leaders were capable of responding adequately, I wouldn’t need to be here,” said Thunberg in her speech. Thunberg’s presence at the event, as well as naming the system after her, was controversial. The decision was simultaneously heavily criticised and widely lauded, showing that the subject of climate change on Earth is as divisive as ever.

Decreases in Earth’s population and moving major industry off planet have led to falling emissions in the past decades. There is a scientific consensus that emissions fell to sustainable levels around 2055, though the massive excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may take more than a millennium to reach pre-industrial revolution levels unless the limited carbon capture capacity is dramatically increased.

Influences: A.E. Van Vogt

In this case I’m mainly talking about the Null-A trilogy. This trilogy made the idea of General Semantics understandable, quite aside from being a wonderful read. A.E. Van Vogt has been criticised by reviewers, which seems to have marginalised to some extent. I’m not sure that those reviews were entirely fair, and in the balance of things I think he does belong among the great pioneers of Science Fiction among the ranks of Heinlein, Azimov and the other early greats.

At the very least, presenting General Semantics in an accessible way is a great achievement. I tried to read General Semantics by Korzybski itself, but it’s hell. I drowned in the introduction where Korzybski seems to take the time to explain why each an every person who ever sent him a letter disagreeing with his ideas is carefully counter argued. In any event, I don’t think a list of writers that influenced me could be complete without including the Null-A trilogy. I’ve read several of Van Vogt’s other books, but the Null-A series will always be the one that made the biggest impression on me.

Below is a link to the first book in the trilogy. Unfortunately the trilogy can be hard to find.

The World of Null-A

The Half Elven Orphan #11

Disclaimer: This is not the final version as it will be available from the usual e-book sellers and eventually, bookstores. Rather, it should be seen as an (almost) final draft. If you are interested in becoming a beta reader, or you have any comments, suggestions or thoughts that you feel I should consider before publishing please drop me a line using the contact form.

Sword School

Aubree was less amused to learn about the sword-fighting deal when she eventually found out, later in the evening. Ala would have preferred if Bernard hadn’t mentioned it at all. Aubree understood that the headstrong Ala wasn’t to be put off, even though she couldn’t understand why it was important to her. The two of them were long past the stage where Aubree felt like she had any right to make such decisions for her. Aubree had accepted that Ala was not the same as as a normal human child and that the rules simply shouldn’t be applied as they would be for a human teenager. That understanding always made Ala very happy, even if it regularly caused Aubree some distress. It helped that it was Bernard who was going to be doing the teaching. Aubree seemed to trust him, despite him having been away for decades.

Sword fighting was not something girls were supposed to do as far as Aubree was concerned, but between the soft spots for Bernard and Ala, she made her peace with it quickly. She limited her disapproval to the occasional worried frown. Unlike most of the adults in Thetwick, Aubree actually listened to Ala when she was serious about something. Aubree was the only human in the village who seemed to have some concept of just how many years of experience Ala had compared to the village’s humans and she often deferred to Ala on matters of knowledge or experience.

At the end of the evening Bernard told Ala to be at the Council Hall in the centre of town after breakfast the next day. She went home with Aubree who shared a warm hug with Bernard. It lingered for just a little longer than was strictly necessary, Ala thought and she saw that their hands took even longer to part. Bernard then proceeded to hug Ala, which was a little alarming to her. Other than Aubree and Palady, the people of Thetwick had always avoided touching her. The contact was nice though. Friendly. There were no ulterior motives. It really was just a friendly hug. She liked it. They turned away to walk home. After a few hundred yards, Aubree spoke, as Ala had expected she would.

“So young lady, sword fighting?”

Ala shrugged, “I’m happy I finally found someone who can teach me.”

“Oh… I shouldn’t really be surprised. You’ve always been going on about it, making wooden swords and things. I remember you talking about it even when I was little.”

“I don’t know… it’s just fascinating. I want to learn.”

“Well you’ve learned most everything else we have in Thetwick. Maybe it was inevitable. It’s still very strange to me though. Not proper for a woman. But then… who knows what the women of your people always did, eh? Maybe it’s in your blood and more proper for you to learn it than not to learn it. Beyond my experience, if we’re being honest, isn’t it?”

Ala was always impressed when Aubree took a moment to reflect on her behaviour. She always arrived at more or less the same conclusion. She didn’t feel she was knowledgeable enough to say how a half-elf should behave, so she let Ala follow her whims with only a little grumbling and a bit more confusion.

The next morning, Ala was waiting when Bernard appeared at the Council Hall. She had been there for quite a while, having risen at dawn and grabbed some old bread and cheese that she’d quickly toasted over the fire after she’d coaxed it back to life. She’d eaten it on the way to the council hall. The hall was a long building built out of stone and the local logs with a slate roof and a square stone combined bell and watch tower at the back end. She’d been waiting here since dawn as she didn’t really sleep, not in the way that humans did anyway. It was another of her secrets that she thought it best not to draw attention to. Aubree and Palady had noticed that she rested a little differently from humans of course, but they’d always assumed that half elves just needed a lot less sleep than humans did.

What she did was more meditation than sleeping. Her perception of her surroundings didn’t disappear like it did for humans. She could do it sitting comfortably as well as lying down. She’d never tried standing or riding, but she had an inkling that that might be possible too with a little practice. Staying aware of her surroundings in a way that a sleeping human never could was a useful perk. Meditation was what she’d started calling it since sister Deirdre at the school had explained what that was. She started to get up to walk over to Bernard but he cheerfully gestured for her to stay where she was.

“Just bear with me a moment Ala, we’ll start something in just a bit. Need to get things organised first, it’ll just be a moment.”

Her attention stayed focused on Bernard as he walked right around to the rear of the building and loudly rang the big bell that was installed there. It was only supposed to be used to call the militia, or if there was something truly dangerous like a fire in town. It was really only for emergencies. Ala was shocked. The bell had not only not been rung in alarm for years, ringing it could even be a hanging offence if done without proper reason. Sure enough, she could soon see the Constable come running from the direction of his home within a minute or two. This time he had brought his halberd, which doubled as the second part of his badge of office as Constable. He looked dishevelled, as if he had come straight out of bed.

Ala didn’t expect the villagers to promptly answer the muster call. Some of them would have to come in from the surrounding fields and everyone would need to get their equipment too. To her surprise a few men were coming at a fair run, some of them still pulling on gambesons or other armour as they came. Most of the men just walked though, many without the weapons and armour they were supposed to bring. It was almost like they wanted to see what was happening before they bothered. The villagers slowly filed onto the field in groups. Many were missing their spears, shields or their gambesons or what they were wearing was no longer recognisable as armour. A lot of the metal was rusted, leather was torn and almost everything looked to be in poor condition.

It looked to Ala as if only a few of them bothered to keep their equipment in good order. There were a handful of men that actually turned up with the equipment they were supposed to have at hand. Ala wasn’t completely sure, but she thought everyone was supposed to at least have a gambeson, a spear and a shield as a bare minimum. The men who had a complete panoply were mostly the same ones whose equipment looked well maintained. Some of them had also brought different weapons like swords and crossbows and one young man even had a longbow though he didn’t appear to have brought any arrows. Ala wasn’t exactly sure what the militia charter said about that.

By the time there was a group that might, with some goodwill, be called a muster, the Constable had been arguing with Bernard for some time. The Constable wanted to arrest him, but the men who normally provided his muscle, two bullies, brothers by the names of Jed and Bruce Samsson, were nowhere to be seen. They were of the age that they were obligated to answer the militia’s call, just like everyone else. Ala hadn’t seen them yet, she wondered if they were still trying to gather their equipment.

Ala watched all this going on from the side of the square, keeping well back from the concentrations of villagers. Bernard yelled at the Constable. He was, finally, out of patience.

“Shut up, man! Stop babbling and listen. I called the muster by the Duke’s command.”

Ala was awed. She hadn’t realised Bernard had actually met the Duke himself. That immediately seemed silly to her. He had served for decades. Of course he would have met him.

“You come in here all high and mighty, ‘retired’ from the glorious Duke’s regiment and think you can just do what you want!”

“I do what the Duke has charged me with, cretin.”

“It’s onto the gallows with you! Ringin’ the bell unjustly is a hangin’ offence. I’ll be rid of you right soon!”

The Constable seemed pleased at that and stepped forward. Even Ala could see he was planning to prod Bernard with his halberd. Bernard didn’t even bother to draw his sword. Ala didn’t exactly see what happened next but when the dust had settled the result was that Bernard had the halberd with its spike at the Constable’s throat, who was lying with his back on the ground.

“Now. Like I was saying Constable, you’re one of the Marchmains, aren’t you? Roger, isn’t it? Told you I’d remember eventually.”

The constable just glared at him.

“Well Roger, if you’d just calm down for a moment and go and get our friend the scribe, I have another document for you to peruse. I’ll just hold on to this rusty halberd of yours until you return. Up you get, go on.”

The Constable warily climbed to his feet and left, Bernard watching him in case he tried anything else. By the time the last members of the muster had finally arrived, the village scribe had also been summoned and found his way to the square. Ala wasn’t sure whether it was the Constable’s doing or whether he had just come to see what was going on. A small crowd of women, children and old men had now also gathered to see what all the fuss was about. Jed and Bruce had also turned up with piecemeal equipment and were surveying the scene nervously, shortly followed by the Constable’s return. The man was scowling evilly at Bernard the whole time.

Bernard carefully produced another document, also with an ornate wax seal in the bottom right corner, from his scroll case and handed it to the scribe, who examined it for a minute with the occasional serious faced glance at Bernard.

“It’s probably best if you read it out to everyone, Scribe Theodore.”

Theodore nodded and turned to the assembled villagers. He cleared his throat and read out the scroll in what Ala always thought of as his ‘proclamation voice’.

I, Ivan, Duke of Taladaria, Marchioness of the Westmarch, do hereby order that Bernard Alanson of Thetwick, retired Sergeant-Major-at-Arms of the Regiment that I am charged to maintain by my Lord the King of Iurrak, is commissioned as Captain of the Westmarch Militia. The militia Captain of the Westmarch, henceforth to be referred to as ‘the Captain’, is, as is customary and hereby reaffirmed, senior to the village elders’ and their assigned Lieutenant in all matters related to the defence of the Westmarch, Taladaria and Iurrak.

It has come to my attention that the quality of the Westmarch Militia is in no way sufficient. In order to evaluate and improve the readiness of his militia the Captain is authorised and directed to call the militia by any means and at any frequency he deems necessary, as if by order of the Duke of Taladaria himself. Captain Bernard Alanson is authorised to extend this right to a person or persons of his choosing with or without limitation.

With all possible haste, Captain Bernard will train able bodied inhabitants of the Westmarch, men and women both. He will bring the Militia’s strength up to at least one hundred souls, bearing shields, chain hauberks, padded armour or gambesons, longbows as well as long spears and swords. Archers and cavalry will be outfitted as the Captain sees fit. The strength of the company will be distributed between archers, spear men and cavalry with horses provided by the people of Westmarch when they are needed for action or training as they are obligated to in service of their Lord’s needs. Members of the militia may bear arms during militia practice and in all cases where Captain Bernard deems it necessary in the interests of the Westmarch, the Duchy of Taladaria and the Kingdom of Iurrak.

So it is decreed.

Ivan de Duilhac, second of his name
Duke of Taladaria, Marchioness of the Westmarch, etcetera, etcetera…

Declared upon this first day of Wogekind,
This 944th year of the 19th millennium

When the Scribe had finished reading the proclamation, Bernard glanced over at the Constable, who now stood glaring at a safe distance.

“So, any questions Constable? I believe you are also the town council’s assigned Lieutenant are you not? You’re supposed to be in the muster formation, aren’t you? Better get moving, don’t you think? Where’s your armour? Be sure to have it upon next muster.”

He tossed the halberd back to the Constable, who fumbled catching it.

“Make certain that weapon receives proper care from now on, Lieutenant. I don’t want to see as much as a speck of rust on it, understand?”

The Constable just continued to glare at him. Bernard turned away from him and looked over his messy lines of villagers.

“Westmarch Militia! Attennn-tion!” Bernard roared.

The villagers made an attempt to stand up straight. Bernard continued.

“As you have just heard. I am your Captain,” Bernard roared. “I decide when any member of the militia is, or is not, on duty. When you are given an order, assume you are on duty and follow that order promptly and to the best of your ability!”

Bernard left a long pause to let what he said sink in.

“Make no mistake, fellow Thets, I take my duty to the Duke very seriously. We will become the finest militia company from here to the Castle Peyrepertuse, so help me Wotan! Westmarch! At ease!”

The villagers all sagged a little. Next, Bernard looked the scribe over, his expression thoughtful. He too was a man in his late thirties. Ala could guess what Bernard was thinking.

“Why aren’t you in the muster Scribe Theodore?” The scribe looked shocked.

“Me? Well, I’m a scribe… err… Captain. Scribes aren’t in the muster.”

“You look like a man of fighting age to me. That means you’re in the muster. Trust me, I’ve had reason to re-read the statute.”

The scribe looked worried… “but… I’ve never… I don’t have…”

“Don’t worry Master Theodore, it’s not a problem. We need a literate quartermaster. I need an inventory of weapons and armour, you can get me that by tomorrow morning I think? We will muster again at dawn. Now, isn’t there supposed to be an armoury in the Elders’ Hall? Make sure you inventory its contents as well. Get someone to help you if necessary. Ala reads, if you need someone literate.”

Ala was a little shocked that she was being volunteered for things, but quickly decided it was all fine with her as long as she got to learn about swords.

Once Bernard had found out who was supposedly doing which job in his militia company, he made changes. Most of the men had no idea what their job was meant to be. Next he marched the men off to the drill field, which was a piece of open ground on the outskirts of town that was supposed to be set aside for the Duke. It was directly owned by the Duke and no one was permitted to build or farm on it, other than grazing herds. As they marched off, he called to Ala.

“If our deal’s still on, you’d better form up, Ala.”

She looked at him, open mouthed, then quickly made up her mind and scurried after the formation to walk with the militia. The other villagers looked surprised, exchanging glances, but decided to shut up rather than risk Bernard’s wrath. When they got to the exercise field, which was looking quite overgrown, Bernard started organising into three groups, asking each man a few questions before telling him which group to join. She quickly found Bernard.

“What do you want Ala?” He said gruffly…

“Sorry Bernard, but am I not too young for the militia? Also… I am…”

“A woman? I noticed. We had this chat yesterday. You’re older than any of the men here and the Duke has long since accepted women into his regiments, if they make the grade. I’ll grant that it’s rare, but it’s perfectly legal. Now shut up and get in line. Uhm… you know horses, right?”

She nodded, not really knowing what else to do.

“Go over there, that group. Move it!”

He’d sent her towards the smallest group. It looked to her like Bernard was sending the hunters and other bowmen to one group, the ones who knew horses were the group she was meant to join and all the others were simply lumped in the largest group together.

Most of the villagers in her group looked strangely at her even though she knew most of the horse breeders and their older sons, at least a little. She was on quite good terms with them and she knew she was seen as useful help, especially when dealing with unruly steeds. In the context of the militia, however, it was obviously strange to them for her to be there. Today was a strange day in more ways though, so no one made any comments. She did see some whispers being exchanged among them. When Bernard was finished sorting the groups he stepped into the middle once again.

“Remember your groups. As you heard when the Scribe read the Duke’s order, we are charged with providing Archers…”

He pointed at the group with the hunters.


That was Ala’s group.

“…and Infantry.” He pointed at the remaining largest group.

“Remember your group. Now, since all of you need to know at least a little about soldiering, we will start with the basics with all groups together.”

Bernard spent two hours running them through basic marching exercises to begin with, which she did as well as she could. The villagers were severely out of practice. After that, the militia was dismissed, with Bernard’s warning to pass the word that anyone who had missed muster this morning, for whatever reason was pardoned, but that he would not be so lenient the next day.

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The Coronation of Alagariel the Great

An excerpt from the scroll ‘The Mysterious Alagariel’ (volume III) by Thyus Saeedi, Court Historian to Jahan II, Shah of Susahnia, written circa 17850.

Though scholars know almost nothing of the coronation of Queen Alagariel, it is central to the history of Vatan and therefore ought to be scrutinised. Everyone born in Taldyr, be they humans, elves or dwarves grow up with tales of Alagariel’s victory over ‘evil’; whatever that may be. Whether she existed or not, or whether any of it actually happened is not greatly relevant to the influence her tale has had on Taldyr’s history.

Despite that, I remain most interested how much of Alagariel’s tale is based in historical fact. Sadly, I was born to the wrong species to have full access to all scholarly works that may exist on the subject. While the elves have not made any special effort to thwart my investigations, very few of them have been interested in helping me navigate their archives. Mostly they do not ever bother to suggest where I might continue my search, as if they are counting on my shorter lifespan to thwart my efforts to make significant progress. The elves seem to be engaged in a process of obfuscation through delay that has been most frustrating during my life. In that light, I have made certain that this document will only be published after my death.

Unfortunately, I need what few elves have been forthcoming greatly and it will not help my subject of study if I alienate them. That said, scholars should be aware that I feel obliged to conclude that the elves do make an effort to keep the actual historical details of Queen Alagariel as murky as possible. Despite many decades devoted to studying thia subject, I have never discovered why they are so reticent to allow access to their libraries.

Having made that as clear as possible, I will continue with the substance of my investigation. The logical place to start, in the sense that it is probably the least controversial historical event, is, in my opinion, the Crowning of Alagariel. To begin with, we should look at the dating of this event. Logically, this would be in year one of the elven calendar. Even this is problematic however, unless she was crowned on the 1st of Wittenarde. If she was crowned later in the year, what year number did the rest of the year have? It is the same problem as the Selinan Kings have with their dating system of course, but it bears mentioning that even this is not known for certain.

I would propose, that the elven Bailiu, the day they traditionally confirm their High Kings and Queens is a strong clue that she too was crowned on that day of the year, which we humans call the 29th of Kaldmeer. This date is only present evert fourth year, of course. This is, predicated on the presumption that we have been using the same calendar for near to twenty millennia. On this point, the elves are more forthcoming, claiming that this much, at least, is certain.

So, what else can be said with any degree of certainty about her coronation? From elven sources, it seems likely that she was active for a long time – even in elven terms – before her coronation. We are speaking of centuries and a single elven bundle of poetry I have studied even suggests a number of three millennia. This is unlikely to be true as she is said to have passed on on 1st of Languise 1201. Twelve hundred years is already a respectable age for an elf, even a fire elf, let alone that she was 4200 years old. It can not be wholly discounted of course as she was also claimed to be a great Magister, but 4200 years certainly seems to be pushing credibility, even for a sorceress of her purported might. She was presumably extraordinary enough, in some way at least, to inspire us to still speak of her twenty millinnia later, but there is no real evidence to suggest that the story we tell of her is literal truth.

What more do we know? The location of her Coronation is also not unequivocally clear from ancient writings. It does not help that Taldyr’s geography was substantially different twenty thousand years ago, with different sea levels and drainage patterns. I have found references to ‘Difayakwininos’ spelled in a multitude of different ways, which translates to ‘The House of the Queen’ from an obscure elven dialect. It means little, though it was used to refer specifically to the region in the vicinity of what is now probably the Westmarch or Sheffield. This too is unlikely as the Kingdom of Fire itself is not terribly far from there and that is surely a more likely location for the Coronation to have taken place. It’s more likely that another Queen had holdings in or around that area and the two are unrelated.

What then, can we learn of this influential and mysterious historical figure’s Coronation? Sadly the answer is ‘not much’, but the simplest explanation is that there was a High Queen of the Elves named Alagariel I and that she was a Magister and that she lived a very long life. If she was active, for instance for three centuries before her Coronation, she passed on at the staggering age of 1500, give or take a few years. Presumably she was Crowned somewhere in the Land of Fire and it’s also likely she was very important in some way, since whatever Monarchs preceded her have been lost to history. Perhaps, she was a great unifier, as my lord’s esteemed ancestor Shahan the First was for the tribes surrounding what is now Greater Susahnia. All these things are the most logical explanations for her reign and seem a sensible set of working assumptions in the absence of more specific historical works and scholarship.

These, admittedly rather sparse, conclusions are the only things which I feel are certain or logical enough to use as a basis for my further research. It is not much, but it may be enough to bring some logical context to other, even more poorly described, events that too place in Alagariel’s time.